A Troubling Photographic Record of Some Polling Station Barriers in the February 2010 Toronto Centre By-Election

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April 9, 2010


The widely-respected street nurse, Cathy Crowe (who was the NDP candidate in the February 4, 2010 Toronto Centre by-election) made a very powerful presentation to the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly on March 31, 2010 about barriers she witnessed at several polling stations in the that by-election.

In her deposition, Ms. Crowe presented a PowerPoint presentation of photos of some of the barriers she witnessed. She has provided this to us, along with her written submission to the Standing Committee that accompanied it.

Download her PowerPoint presentation

Download her short written submission as an MS Word file

You can read the transcript of her entire presentation, as well as all the others presented that day, by clicking here: http://www.www.aodaalliance.org/whats-new/newsub2011/read-the-2nd-day-of-standing-committee-public-hearings-on-bill-231-on-march-31-2010/

For those who cannot see her photos in the PowerPoint presentation due to vision loss, her oral presentation to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly gave a good description of them.

Ms. Crowe took these photos one week after the by-election. She made them available to the AODA Alliance. The AODA Alliance later offered to provide them to Elections Ontario. Elections Ontario never took us up on that offer, though the Chief Electoral Officer Greg Essensa has stated to us in writing, and to the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly, that he does not dispute Ms. Crowe’s account of these barriers.