AODA 2005 & ODA 2001 – Both in Effect
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
On June 13, 2005 , the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA 2005) received Royal Assent and is now law. The purpose of the AODA 2005 is to benefit all Ontarians by developing, implementing and enforcing accessibility standards in order to achieve accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities by 2025.
Standards will be developed in cooperation with people with disabilities, the Government of Ontario, representatives of industries and of various sectors of the economy with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodations, employment, buildings, structures and premises.
Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001
Public sector organizations including Government ministries, municipalities, hospitals, public transportation organizations, school boards, colleges and universities are required to continue to prepare and make public annual accessibility plans, as the legal obligations under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 remain in force until such time that the Act is repealed.