New Report Reveals Corporate Lobbyists Feeding Frenzy At City Hall to Pressure Toronto City Council to Lift Ban on Electric Scooters That Endanger People with Disabilities




New Report Reveals Corporate Lobbyists Feeding Frenzy At City Hall to Pressure Toronto City Council to Lift Ban on Electric Scooters That Endanger People with Disabilities


October 30, 2020 Toronto: Today, a new report by the non-partisan grassroots AODA Alliance pulls back the curtain to reveal the stunning behind-the-scenes high-price feeding frenzy of back-room pressure that corporate lobbyists for electric scooter (e-scooter) rental companies have flooded City Hall with for months. They are relentlessly pressuring City Hall to pass a by-law to lift the much-needed ban on e-scooters. The corporate lobbyists want to make money on e-scooter rentals, laughing all the way to the bank as seriously injured pedestrians sob all the way to hospital emergency rooms.


This new report gives insight into why in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic when other pressing issues should be a priority, Toronto’s municipal politicians are so seriously considering unleashing e-scooters in Toronto, despite their amply-documented dangers to people with disabilities, seniors and others. Key disability organizations vigourously oppose e-scooters, because of these proven dangers.


“All eyes are on Mayor John Tory. Corporate lobbyists are clearly spending piles of money to inundate City Hall and the Mayor’s office,” said David Lepofsky, chair of the non-partisan AODA Alliance that spearheads efforts to protect 2.6 million Ontarians with disabilities from the dangers that e-scooters cause. “We keep hearing that it will be Mayor John Tory that will ultimately decide if e-scooters will be inflicted on Torontonians. We need Mayor Tory to listen to us, the people who will be exposed to the dangers e-scooters create. He needs to stand up to the corporate lobbyists.”


This report shows that entries in Toronto’s official Lobbyist Registry, extracted below, filling fully 73 pages, reveal that in just the two years from June 2018 to the present, eight e-scooter rental companies and three lobbying firms have documented fully 1,384 contacts with City Hall in person, by phone, by virtual meeting or by email. Among these are at least 112 meetings with City officials and 1,153 emails. These figures only include contacts which corporate lobbyists opted to record in the Toronto Lobbyist Registry.


Amidst this onslaught of corporate lobbyists’ approaches are a dizzying 94 contacts with the Mayor’s Office, including 10 with Mayor Tory himself, 58 with the Mayor’s Senior Advisor, Legislative Affairs Daniela Magisano, 15 with Mayor Tory’s Director of Legislative Affairs Edward Birnbaum, 10 with his Chief of Staff Luke Robertson, and 1 with Mayor Tory’s Deputy Chief of Staff Courtney Glen.


As well, among these documented contacts are 368 contacts with members of City Council, 479 contacts with staff of members of council, as well as 352 contacts with the following City staff, among others (We surmise that the corporate lobbyists may not have reached a few entry-level file clerks):


  • Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team, Transportation Services: 62
  • Manager, Street Furniture Management, Transportation Services: 41
  • Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects, Transportation Services: 37
  • Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation Transportation Services: 36
  • Manager, Data & Analytics Transportation Services: 26
  • Manager, Transportation Policy & Innovation, Transportation Services: 25
  • Director, Policy & Innovation, Transportation Services: 22
  • Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education, Transportation Services: 18
  • General Manager, Transportation Services: 18
  • Manager Transportation Services: 18
  • Project Lead Environment, Policy & Research, Environment and Energy: 13
  • Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management, Transportation Services: 12
  • Manager, Policy and Research Environment & Energy: 10
  • Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation, Transportation Services: 7
  • Manager, Cycling Infrastructure & Programs Transportation Services: 7


An e-scooter is a silent motor vehicle. A joy-rider with no license or training would be allowed to race around on an e-scooter at 20 kilometers an hour or faster. A Toronto City Staff report shows that e-scooters create real dangers to public safety in places that allow them. E-scooter riders and innocent pedestrians get seriously injured or killed. Check out a recent CBC report on e-scooter injuries suffered in Calgary.


The silent menace of e-scooters especially endanger seniors and people with disabilities, such as people who are blind or have low vision or balance issues, or whose disability makes them slower to scramble out of the way. A blind pedestrian can’t know when a silent e-scooter rockets toward them at over 20 KPH, driven by a fun-seeking unlicensed, untrained, uninsured, unhelmetted rider.


In cities where e-scooters are allowed, rental e-scooters, left strewn around public places, become mobility barriers to accessibility for people with physical disabilities. For people who are blind, deafblind or have low vision, those e-scooters become a serious, unexpected tripping hazard. E-scooters left on sidewalks create serious new accessibility barriers for people using a wheelchair, walker or other mobility device. An e-scooter can block them from continuing along an otherwise-accessible sidewalk.


On February 3, 2020, Toronto’s Accessibility Advisory Committee (appointed by the City) unanimously recommended to City Council not to allow e-scooters in Toronto because they create dangers for people with disabilities. On July 28, 2020, City Council voted on a motion to ask City staff to further research the concerns for people with disabilities arising from e-scooters. The motion passed, but only on a vote of 12 for, and 11 opposed.


“The City of Toronto should hold a major, extensive, open and accessible consultation to hear from Torontonians with disabilities, and Mayor Tory should himself lead these real-time consultations,” said Lepofsky. “So far, the City and the Mayor have not done so, despite City Council’s call for more information on the implications of e-scooters for people with disabilities, a motion that Mayor Tory himself supported.”


On July 28, why did fully 11 City Council members vote to oppose City Staff looking any further into the dangers that e-scooters create for people with disabilities? The Toronto Lobbyist Registry gives some insight. Of those 11 members of City Council, the e-scooter rental companies had 43 contacts with Councilor Layton, 25 with Councilor McKelvie and 21 with Councilor Colle. All three were among the 11 who voted against the needs of people with disabilities, and hence, in favour of the e-scooter rental companies and their corporate lobbyists.


Contact: AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky,

Twitter: @aodaalliance


On July 28, 2020, AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky was interviewed on News Radio 1310 in Ottawa, on the problems with e-scooters that have already emerged shortly after Ottawa began its ill-considered pilot with e-scooters. We will have more to say on the e-scooters issue over the coming weeks. Below is set out an excerpt from an article on this in the July 29, 2020 Toronto Star. The history of this item at Toronto City Council is set out on its website at


For more background:


  1. The AODA Alliance’s July 8, 2020 brief to the City of Toronto Infrastructure and Environment Committee, already endorsed by Spinal Cord Injury Ontario and the March of Dimes of Canada


  1. The open letter to all Ontario municipal councils from 11 major disability organizations, opposing e-scooters in Ontario, and


  1. A sampling of news reports on the serious injuries that e-scooters have caused in communities that permit them.


  1. The AODA Alliance e-scooters web page.


A Report of the Recorded Contacts by E-Scooter Rental Companies’ Corporate Lobbyists and Toronto City Hall Between June 2018 and October 2020


October 30, 2020


Prepared by the AODA Alliance


All information is taken from the official Toronto Lobbyists Registry.



Bird Canada


  1. January 21, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  2. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  3. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  4. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  5. May 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  6. May 19, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  7. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  8. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  9. July 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  10. July 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  11. July 22, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  12. March 26, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  13. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  14. January 28, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  15. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  16. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  17. May 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  18. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  19. May 30, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  20. June 04, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  21. December 11, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  22. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  23. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  24. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  25. September 25, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  26. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  27. February 11, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  28. April 14, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  29. April 22, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  30. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  31. May 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  32. May 19, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  33. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  34. July 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  35. November 01, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  36. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  37. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  38. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  39. May 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  40. October 22, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  41. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  42. April 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Anthony Tersigni of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  43. May 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Anthony Tersigni of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  44. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternack’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  45. February 11, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternack, a Staff of Member of Council.
  46. April 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  47. April 14, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  48. April 22, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  49. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  50. May 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  51. May 19, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  52. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  53. June 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  54. June 17, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  55. July 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  56. July 08, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  57. July 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  58. September 05, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  59. December 10, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  60. December 13, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  61. December 16, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  62. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  63. February 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  64. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  65. May 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  66. May 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  67. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  68. May 30, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  69. July 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  70. July 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  71. July 30, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  72. September 14, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  73. September 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  74. October 08, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  75. November 12, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with David Bellmore of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of Member of Council.
  76. July 08, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Edward Birnbaum of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  77. July 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  78. July 22, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  79. July 30, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Edward Birnbaum of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  80. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ihor Wons of Michael Thompson’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  81. May 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ihor Wons of Michael Thompson’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  82. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jessica Monk of Denzil Minnan-Wong’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  83. December 11, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  84. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to John Sinclair Jennifer McKelvie’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  85. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to John Sinclair Jennifer McKelvie’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  86. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Lisa Hoffman of Kristyn Wong-Tam’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  87. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Lola Dandybaeva of Mike Colle’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  88. July 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Lola Dandybaeva of Mike Colle’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  89. July 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Lola Dandybaeva of Mike Colle’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  90. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Luke Robertson of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  91. May 30, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Luke Robertson of the Mayor’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  92. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias deDovitiis of Anthony Perruzza’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  93. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias deDovitiis of Anthony Perruzza’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  94. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Giles of Ana Bailao’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  95. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Giles of Ana Bailao’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  96. March 26, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Nick Dominelli of Cynthia Lai’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  97. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Nick Dominelli of Cynthia Lai’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  98. November 01, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Rachel Scott of Office of Councillor Peruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  99. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rishab Mehan of Brad Bradford’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  100. May 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rishab Mehan of Brad Bradford’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  101. May 19, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rishab Mehan of Brad Bradford’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  102. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rishab Mehan of Brad Bradford’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  103. June 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Rishab Mehan of Brad Bradford’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  104. January 28, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  105. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  106. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  107. May 06, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  108. May 08, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  109. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  110. October 22, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Tristan Downe-Dewdney of Office of Councillor Wong-Tam, a Staff of Member of Council.
  111. May 19, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Vice-President, Stakeholder Relations of CreateTO, an Employee of a Local Board.
  112. June 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Vice-President, Stakeholder Relations of CreateTO, an Employee of a Local Board.
  113. June 17, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Vice-President, Stakeholder Relations of CreateTO, an Employee of a Local Board.
  114. December 13, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Director of Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  115. June 17, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Director, Transaction Services of Corporate Real Estate Management, an Employee of the City.
  116. December 10, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  117. December 13, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Executive Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  118. December 16, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  119. March 27, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  120. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  121. September 18, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  122. October 22, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  123. October 25, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  124. November 26, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  125. November 27, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  126. November 28, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  127. December 10, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  128. December 13, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  129. December 16, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  130. January 10, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  131. January 20, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  132. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  133. March 27, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  134. April 07, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  135. April 24, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  136. May 25, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  137. September 18, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Senior Policy and Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  138. September 18, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  139. October 22, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  140. December 13, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  141. December 16, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  142. February 05, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  143. March 27, 2020, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  144. September 18, 2019, Stewart Lyons, Senior Officer of Bird Canada, met with Toronto Urban Fellow Research Associate of People, Equity & Human Rights, an Employee of the City.
  145. September 30, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  146. September 18, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  147. October 22, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  148. October 25, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  149. January 10, 2020, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Manager, Street Furniture Management, City Wide of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  150. September 18, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Senior Policy and Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  151. September 18, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  152. October 22, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Snr Project Mgr, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  153. September 18, 2019, Ryan Lausman of Bird Canada, met with Toronto Urban Fellow Research Associate of People, Equity & Human Rights, an Employee of the City.
  154. January 28, 2020, Austin Spademan of Bird Canada, met with Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  155. February 03, 2020, Austin Spademan of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  156. April 07, 2020, Austin Spademan of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  157. February 11, 2020, Austin Spademan of Bird Canada, met with James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  158. February 11, 2020, Austin Spademan of Bird Canada, met with Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  159. February 05, 2020, Austin Spademan of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Samantha Vite of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  160. January 28, 2020, Austin Spademan of Bird Canada, met with Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  161. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  162. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  163. October 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  164. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  165. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  166. July 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  167. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  168. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  169. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  170. July 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  171. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  172. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  173. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  174. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  175. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  176. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  177. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  178. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  179. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  180. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  181. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  182. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  183. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  184. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  185. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  186. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  187. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  188. October 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  189. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  190. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  191. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  192. July 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  193. July 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  194. July 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  195. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  196. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  197. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  198. July 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  199. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  200. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  201. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  202. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  203. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  204. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  205. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  206. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  207. July 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  208. July 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  209. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  210. October 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  211. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  212. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  213. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  214. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jaye Robinson of Ward 15 Don Valley West, a Member of Council.
  215. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  216. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  217. August 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mayor John Tory, a Member of Council.
  218. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mayor John Tory, a Member of Council.
  219. August 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  220. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aaron Prance of Office of Councillor Grimes, a Staff of Member of Council.
  221. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aaron Prance of Office of Councillor Grimes, a Staff of Member of Council.
  222. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Adrian Martins of Office of Councillor Bailao, a Staff of Member of Council.
  223. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Adrian Martins of Office of Councillor Bailao, a Staff of Member of Council.
  224. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Alex Amelin of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  225. July 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Alex Amelin of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  226. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Alex Amelin of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  227. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Office of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of Member of Council.
  228. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Office of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of Member of Council.
  229. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Andrew Athanasiu of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of Member of Council.
  230. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Antonette Dinovo of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  231. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Antonette Dinovo of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  232. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  233. July 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  234. July 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  235. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  236. October 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  237. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  238. October 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  239. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brent Gilliard of Office of Councillor Cressy, a Staff of Member of Council.
  240. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Brett McCandless of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  241. July 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Caroline Duffy of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of Member of Council.
  242. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Caroline Duffy of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of Member of Council.
  243. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Caroline Duffy of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of Member of Council.
  244. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  245. July 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  246. August 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  247. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  248. September 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  249. October 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  250. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  251. October 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  252. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daryl Finlayson of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of Member of Council.
  253. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daryl Finlayson of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of Member of Council.
  254. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Daryl Finlayson of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of Member of Council.
  255. July 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Diana Gonzalez of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  256. July 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  257. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  258. August 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  259. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  260. September 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  261. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  262. October 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  263. July 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Hector Alonso of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  264. July 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Hector Alonso of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  265. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Hector Alonso of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of Member of Council.
  266. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to Ihor Wons of Office of Councillor Thompson, a Staff of Member of Council.
  267. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Ihor Wons of Office of Councillor Thompson, a Staff of Member of Council.
  268. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ihor Wons of Office of Councillor Thompson, a Staff of Member of Council.
  269. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to James Murphy of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of Member of Council.
  270. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jessica Luke-Smith of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  271. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jessica Monk of Office of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of Member of Council.
  272. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jessica Pointon of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  273. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jessica Pointon of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  274. July 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jessica Pointon of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  275. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jessica Pointon of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  276. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Joan Wilson of Office of Councillor Cressy, a Staff of Member of Council.
  277. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Joan Wilson of Office of Councillor Cressy, a Staff of Member of Council.
  278. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Joan Wilson of Office of Councillor Cressy, a Staff of Member of Council.
  279. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  280. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  281. July 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  282. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  283. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jonathan Kent of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  284. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Jonathan Kent of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  285. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Jonathan Kent of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  286. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Lesley Burlie of Office of Councillor Robinson, a Staff of Member of Council.
  287. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Lola Dandybaeva of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of Member of Council.
  288. August 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Lorraine Hewitt of Office of Councillor Wong-Tam, a Staff of Member of Council.
  289. September 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Luke Robertson of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  290. October 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Luke Robertson of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  291. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Luke Robertson of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  292. October 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Luke Robertson of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  293. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Maham Aqil of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  294. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Maham Aqil of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  295. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Marco Bianchi of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  296. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Marco Bianchi of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  297. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias de Dovitiis of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  298. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias de Dovitiis of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  299. July 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Matias de Dovitiis of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  300. July 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias de Dovitiis of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  301. July 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias de Dovitiis of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  302. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias de Dovitiis of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  303. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Matias de Dovitiis of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of Member of Council.
  304. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Miran Markovic of Office of Councillor Nunziata, a Staff of Member of Council.
  305. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Miran Markovic of Office of Councillor Nunziata, a Staff of Member of Council.
  306. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Miran Markovic of Office of Councillor Nunziata, a Staff of Member of Council.
  307. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Monique Lisi of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  308. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Mustapha Khamissa of Office of Councillor Carroll, a Staff of Member of Council.
  309. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Nicholas Dominelli of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of Member of Council.
  310. July 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Nicholas Dominelli of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of Member of Council.
  311. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Nicholas Gallant of Office of Councillor Bailao, a Staff of Member of Council.
  312. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Nicholas Gallant of Office of Councillor Bailao, a Staff of Member of Council.
  313. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Nicholas Gallant of Office of Councillor Bailao, a Staff of Member of Council.
  314. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Olivia Klasios of Office of Councillor Robinson, a Staff of Member of Council.
  315. July 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paul Bieksa of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  316. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paul Bieksa of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  317. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paula Goncalves of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of Member of Council.
  318. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paula Goncalves of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of Member of Council.
  319. July 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Paula Goncalves of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of Member of Council.
  320. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Paula Goncalves of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of Member of Council.
  321. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rebecca Guida of Office of Councillor Grimes, a Staff of Member of Council.
  322. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rebecca Guida of Office of Councillor Grimes, a Staff of Member of Council.
  323. July 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rishab Mehan of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  324. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Rishab Mehan of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  325. August 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Robyn Bidgood of Office of Councillor Wong-Tam, a Staff of Member of Council.
  326. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ryan Lo of Office of Councillor Carroll, a Staff of Member of Council.
  327. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ryan Lo of Office of Councillor Carroll, a Staff of Member of Council.
  328. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Ryan Lo of Office of Councillor Carroll, a Staff of Member of Council.
  329. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Samantha Vite of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  330. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Samantha Vite of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  331. July 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Samantha Vite of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  332. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Sarah Barber of Office of Councillor Filion, a Staff of Member of Council.
  333. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Sarah Barber of Office of Councillor Filion, a Staff of Member of Council.
  334. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Sarah Barber of Office of Councillor Filion, a Staff of Member of Council.
  335. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Scott Morphet of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  336. July 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Scott Morphet of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  337. July 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Scott Morphet of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  338. July 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Scott Morphet of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  339. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Scott Morphet of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  340. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Scott Morphet of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  341. October 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Scott Morphet of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of Member of Council.
  342. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Sheila Henderson of Office of Councillor Holyday, a Staff of Member of Council.
  343. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Sheila Henderson of Office of Councillor Holyday, a Staff of Member of Council.
  344. July 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Sheila Henderson of Office of Councillor Holyday, a Staff of Member of Council.
  345. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Sheila Henderson of Office of Councillor Holyday, a Staff of Member of Council.
  346. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Shima Bhana of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  347. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Slavisa Mijatovic of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of Member of Council.
  348. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Slavisa Mijatovic of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of Member of Council.
  349. July 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Slavisa Mijatovic of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of Member of Council.
  350. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Slavisa Mijatovic of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of Member of Council.
  351. July 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  352. July 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  353. July 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  354. July 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  355. July 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  356. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  357. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of Member of Council.
  358. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Susan Serran of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of Member of Council.
  359. July 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Susan Serran of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of Member of Council.
  360. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Susan Serran of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of Member of Council.
  361. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Tom Gleason of Office of Councillor Carroll, a Staff of Member of Council.
  362. July 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Trent Jennett of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  363. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Trent Jennett of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  364. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to William Burtch of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of Member of Council.
  365. September 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Associate Lead – Government & Financial Renewal of Toronto Office of Recovery & Rebuild, an Employee of the City.
  366. October 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Associate Lead – Government & Financial Renewal of Toronto Office of Recovery & Rebuild, an Employee of the City.
  367. September 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Coordinator of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  368. September 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, an Employee of the City.
  369. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  370. August 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  371. September 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  372. September 09, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  373. October 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Director of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  374. September 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Director, Project Design & Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  375. October 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Director, Project Design & Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  376. October 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum of Office of Mayor Tory, an Employee of the City.
  377. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  378. August 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  379. August 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  380. September 09, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  381. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  382. October 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  383. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  384. October 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  385. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  386. July 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  387. July 30, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  388. August 12, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  389. August 18, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  390. August 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  391. August 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  392. September 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  393. September 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  394. September 09, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  395. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  396. September 18, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  397. September 28, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  398. October 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  399. October 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  400. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  401. October 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  402. September 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Project Lead of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  403. October 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Project Lead of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  404. October 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Project Lead of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  405. July 30, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  406. July 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to the Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  407. August 12, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  408. July 22, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  409. July 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  410. July 30, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call and sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  411. July 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  412. August 12, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  413. August 18, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  414. August 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  415. August 31, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  416. September 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  417. September 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  418. September 09, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  419. September 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  420. September 18, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  421. September 28, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  422. October 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  423. October 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  424. October 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  425. October 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Bird Canada, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  426. October 20, 2020, John Bitove of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  427. October 21, 2020, John Bitove of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  428. October 26, 2020, John Bitove of Bird Canada, made a telephone call to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  429. October 27, 2020, John Bitove of Bird Canada, sent an E-mail to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  430. October 27, 2020, John Bitove of Bird Canada, sent an E-mail to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  431. October 27, 2020, John Bitove of Bird Canada, sent an E-mail to Andrew Athanasiu of Josh Matlow’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.


Neutron Holdings Inc. (Publicly known as “Lime”)


  1. June 18, 2018, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Jon Burnside of Ward 26 Don Valley West, a Member of Council.
  2. June 20, 2018, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Christin Carmichael Greb of Ward 16 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  3. June 20, 2018, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Mike Layton of Ward 19 Trinity-Spadina, a Member of Council.
  4. April 15, 2020, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  5. June 20, 2018, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Gord Perks of Ward 14 Parkdale-High Park, a Member of Council.
  6. June 18, 2018, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Michael Thompson of Ward 37 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  7. June 20, 2018, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Cycling Infras & Programs of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  8. June 20, 2018, Gabriel Scheer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Program Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  9. July 26, 2018, Nico Probst of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Rachel Van Fraassen of Office of Councillor Jaye Robinson, Ward 25, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  10. July 26, 2018, Nico Probst of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Siri Agrell of The Mayor’s Office, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  11. July 07, 2020, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., had a teleconference with Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Anthony Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  12. October 22, 2019, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Transportation Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  13. January 10, 2020, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Transportation Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  14. October 22, 2019, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Program Designer (Toronto Urban Fellow) of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  15. January 10, 2020, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Program Designer (Toronto Urban Fellow) of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  16. October 22, 2019, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Policy and Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  17. October 22, 2019, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  18. January 10, 2020, Michael Markevich of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  19. April 21, 2020, Calvin Thigpen of Neutron Holdings Inc., webinar James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  20. April 21, 2020, Calvin Thigpen of Neutron Holdings Inc., webinar Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  21. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  22. February 26, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  23. October 07, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  24. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  25. February 26, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  26. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  27. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  28. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  29. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  30. April 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  31. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  32. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  33. April 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  34. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  35. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  36. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  37. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  38. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  39. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  40. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  41. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  42. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  43. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  44. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  45. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  46. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  47. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  48. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  49. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  50. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  51. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  52. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  53. March 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  54. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  55. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  56. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  57. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  58. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  59. April 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  60. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jim Karygiannis of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt, a Member of Council.
  61. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jim Karygiannis of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt, a Member of Council.
  62. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Jim Karygiannis of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt, a Member of Council.
  63. March 21, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jim Karygiannis of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt, a Member of Council.
  64. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  65. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  66. April 11, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  67. April 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  68. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  69. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  70. April 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  71. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  72. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  73. October 01, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  74. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  75. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  76. March 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  77. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  78. April 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  79. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  80. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  81. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  82. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  83. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  84. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  85. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  86. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  87. March 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  88. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  89. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  90. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  91. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  92. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  93. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  94. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  95. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  96. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  97. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  98. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  99. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  100. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  101. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  102. August 23, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  103. August 27, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  104. September 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  105. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  106. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  107. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  108. March 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  109. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  110. April 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  111. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  112. April 16, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  113. April 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  114. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gord Perks of Ward 4 Parkdale-High Park, a Member of Council.
  115. February 26, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gord Perks of Ward 4 Parkdale-High Park, a Member of Council.
  116. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  117. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  118. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  119. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  120. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  121. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jaye Robinson of Ward 15 Don Valley West, a Member of Council.
  122. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  123. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  124. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  125. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  126. March 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., connected via social media with Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  127. April 16, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  128. April 11, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Abdullah Sherif of Office of Councillor Lai, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  129. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Office of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  130. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  131. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  132. February 28, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  133. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Councillor Minnan-Wong, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  134. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ani Dergalstanian of Office of Councillor Carroll, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  135. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Ferrari of Office of Councillor Nunziata, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  136. March 09, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Anthony Tersigni of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  137. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Antonette DiNovo of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  138. February 28, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Antonette DiNovo of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  139. October 07, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Antonette DiNovo of Office of Councillor Ainslie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  140. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  141. March 09, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  142. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  143. April 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  144. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  145. April 16, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  146. April 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  147. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brandon Stevens of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  148. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brandon Stevens of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  149. March 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brandon Stevens of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  150. April 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Brandon Stevens of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  151. April 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brandon Stevens of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  152. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brett.McCandless of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  153. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Office of Councillor Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  154. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Councillor Mike Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  155. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Councillor Mike Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  156. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Councillor Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  157. April 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Courtney Glen of The Mayor’s Office, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  158. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  159. April 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  160. July 24, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  161. July 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  162. August 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  163. September 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  164. September 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  165. September 17, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  166. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  167. October 11, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  168. October 17, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  169. October 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  170. October 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  171. November 07, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  172. November 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  173. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  174. January 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  175. February 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Office of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  176. February 11, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor John Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  177. February 14, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor John Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  178. February 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor John Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  179. February 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Daniela Magisano of Mayor John Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  180. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor John Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  181. April 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor John Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  182. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor John Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  183. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Diana Carella of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  184. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Diana Carella of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  185. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Dino Alic of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  186. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Dino Alic of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  187. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Fertaa Yieleh-Chireh of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  188. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hector Alonso of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  189. April 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hector Alonso of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  190. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hector Alonso of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  191. April 16, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hector Alonso of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  192. April 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hector Alonso of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  193. September 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hilary Burke of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  194. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hilary Burke of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  195. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ihor Wons of Office of Councillor Thompson, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  196. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jacob Katz of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  197. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jacob Katz of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  198. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jacob Katz of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  199. April 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jacob Katz of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  200. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jessica Luke-Smith of Office of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  201. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jessica Luke-Smith of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  202. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  203. April 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  204. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Sinclair of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  205. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Sinclair of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  206. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Sinclair of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  207. March 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with John Sinclair of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  208. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Sinclair of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  209. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Sinclair of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  210. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jonathan Kent of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  211. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Karen Duffy of Office of Councillor Perks, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  212. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kim Edgar of Office of Councillor Grimes, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  213. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kim Edgar of Office of Councillor Grimes, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  214. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lesley Burlie of Office of Councillor Robinson, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  215. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lia Brewer of Office of Councillor Cressy, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  216. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lisa Rainford of Office of Councillor Nunziata, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  217. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lola Dandybaeva of Councillor Mike Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  218. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lorraine Hewitt of Office of Councillor Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  219. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lorraine Hewitt of Office of Councillor Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  220. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lorraine Hewitt of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  221. February 18, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lorraine Hewitt of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  222. February 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lorraine Hewitt of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  223. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Lorraine Hewitt of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  224. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Maham Aqil of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  225. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Maham Aqil of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  226. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Marco Bianchi of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  227. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Anthony Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  228. March 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  229. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  230. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  231. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Megan Poole of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  232. September 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michelle Zaslavsky of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  233. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michelle Zaslavsky of Office of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  234. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michelle Zaslavsky of Councillor James Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  235. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michelle Zaslavsky of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  236. March 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Michelle Zaslavsky of Councillor Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  237. April 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Nicholas Dominelli of Councillor Cynthia Lai, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  238. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Nikolaos Mantas of Office of Councillor Karygiannis, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  239. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Nikolaos Mantas of Office of Councillor Karygiannis, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  240. March 21, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Nikolaos Mantas of Office of Councillor Karygiannis, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  241. February 26, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Bieksa of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  242. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Bieksa of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  243. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Bieksa of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  244. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Bieksa of Office of Councillor Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  245. April 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Bieksa of Councillor Brad Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  246. April 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Bieksa of Councillor Brad Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  247. April 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Goncalves of Councillor Cynthia Lai, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  248. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Rachel Thompson of Office of Councillor Robinson, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  249. April 03, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Rishab Mehan of Councillor Brad Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  250. April 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Rishab Mehan of Councillor Brad Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  251. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robert Cerjanec of Office of Councillor Bailao, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  252. February 26, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robert Cerjanec of Office of Councillor Bailao, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  253. March 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robyn Bidgood of Office of Councillor Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  254. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robyn Bidgood of Office of Councillor Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  255. February 11, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robyn Bidgood of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  256. February 18, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robyn Bidgood of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  257. February 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robyn Bidgood of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  258. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robyn Bidgood of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  259. November 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Rohan Balram of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  260. November 16, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Rohan Balram of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  261. April 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Ryan Lo of Office of Councillor Carroll, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  262. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  263. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  264. April 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  265. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Office of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  266. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  267. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  268. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  269. February 27, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Samantha Vite of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  270. February 28, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Samantha Vite of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  271. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Sarah Barber of Office of Councillor Filion, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  272. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Sarah Barber of Office of Councillor Filion, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  273. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Sarah Barber of Office of Councillor Filion, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  274. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Sheila Henderson of Office of Councillor Holyday, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  275. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Shima Bhana of Office of Councillor Ford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  276. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Slavisa Mijatovic of Office of Councillor Matlow, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  277. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  278. March 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  279. April 16, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  280. April 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  281. May 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  282. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  283. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  284. October 01, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  285. February 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  286. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  287. March 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  288. March 25, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  289. April 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  290. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  291. March 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Susan Baker of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  292. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Susan Baker of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  293. November 16, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Susan Baker of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  294. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Susan Serran of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  295. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Susan Serran of Office of Councillor Fletcher, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  296. July 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to William Burtch of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  297. November 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to William Burtch of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  298. November 16, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to William Burtch of Office of Councillor Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  299. May 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mostafa Omran of Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), a Member of a Local Board.
  300. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Acting Director, Transport. Infrastructure Mgmt. of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  301. February 27, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Acting Director, Transport. Infrastructure Mgmt. of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  302. April 15, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Acting Director, Transport. Infrastructure Mgmt. of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  303. May 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Acting Director, Transport. Infrastructure Mgmt. of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  304. November 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Administrative Assistant 2 of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  305. November 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Administrative Assistant 2 of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  306. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  307. April 15, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  308. May 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  309. June 10, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  310. June 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  311. June 21, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  312. June 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  313. July 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  314. August 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  315. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  316. November 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  317. December 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  318. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  319. February 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  320. March 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  321. April 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  322. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  323. April 08, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Economic Support and Recovery of Economic Development & Culture, an Employee of the City.
  324. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Economic Support and Recovery of Economic Development & Culture, an Employee of the City.
  325. March 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  326. April 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  327. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  328. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  329. February 27, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  330. April 15, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  331. May 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  332. May 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  333. June 10, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  334. June 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  335. July 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  336. August 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  337. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  338. November 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  339. December 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  340. December 03, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  341. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  342. February 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  343. February 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  344. February 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  345. June 10, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  346. June 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  347. July 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  348. August 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  349. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  350. November 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  351. December 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  352. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  353. February 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  354. March 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  355. April 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  356. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Director, Transportation Infrastructure Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  357. May 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Fleet Services, an Employee of the City.
  358. May 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Parks, Forestry & Recreation, an Employee of the City.
  359. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  360. December 03, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  361. February 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  362. January 03, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Cycling Infrastructure & Programs of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  363. January 28, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Cycling Infrastructure & Programs of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  364. February 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Cycling Infrastructure & Programs of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  365. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Cycling Infrastructure & Programs of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  366. February 27, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Cycling Infrastructure & Programs of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  367. April 15, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Cycling Infrastructure & Programs of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  368. January 03, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  369. January 28, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  370. February 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  371. May 01, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  372. May 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  373. June 10, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  374. June 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  375. July 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  376. August 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  377. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  378. February 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  379. February 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  380. February 26, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  381. February 27, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  382. March 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  383. April 15, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  384. May 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  385. May 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  386. June 10, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  387. June 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  388. June 21, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  389. June 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  390. July 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  391. August 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  392. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  393. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  394. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  395. March 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  396. April 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  397. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  398. April 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  399. October 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  400. October 23, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  401. October 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  402. October 28, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  403. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  404. November 01, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  405. November 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  406. December 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  407. December 03, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  408. December 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  409. December 16, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  410. December 24, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  411. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  412. January 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  413. January 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  414. February 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  415. February 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  416. February 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  417. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Transportation Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  418. October 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Program Designer (Toronto Urban Fellow) of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  419. January 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Program Designer (Toronto Urban Fellow) of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  420. March 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy & Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  421. April 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy & Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  422. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy & Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  423. May 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  424. June 10, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  425. June 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  426. July 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  427. August 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  428. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  429. November 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  430. December 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  431. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  432. February 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead Environment, Policy and Research of Environment & Energy, an Employee of the City.
  433. January 03, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Beautiful Streets of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  434. January 28, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Beautiful Streets of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  435. February 12, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Beautiful Streets of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  436. May 01, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to the Project Lead, Beautiful Streets of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  437. June 11, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Public Realm Section of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  438. June 13, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Public Realm Section of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  439. June 21, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Project Lead, Public Realm Section of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  440. June 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Public Realm Section of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  441. July 09, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Public Realm Section of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  442. August 14, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Public Realm Section of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  443. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Public Realm Section of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  444. August 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  445. August 20, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  446. August 21, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  447. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  448. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  449. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  450. September 30, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  451. October 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  452. October 08, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  453. October 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  454. October 23, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  455. October 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  456. October 28, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  457. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  458. November 01, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  459. November 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  460. December 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  461. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  462. February 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  463. March 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  464. April 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  465. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  466. October 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  467. October 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  468. October 23, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  469. October 25, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  470. October 28, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  471. October 29, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  472. November 01, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  473. November 05, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  474. November 26, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  475. November 27, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  476. December 02, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  477. December 03, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  478. December 04, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  479. December 16, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  480. December 24, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  481. January 06, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  482. January 07, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  483. January 10, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with and sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  484. January 17, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  485. February 04, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  486. February 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  487. February 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  488. February 20, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  489. February 26, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  490. March 02, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  491. March 05, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  492. March 19, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  493. March 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  494. April 01, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  495. April 15, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  496. April 21, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  497. April 23, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  498. April 24, 2020, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  499. September 18, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Toronto Urban Fellow Research Associate of People & Equity, an Employee of the City.
  500. October 22, 2019, Chris Schafer of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Toronto Urban Fellow Research Associate of People & Equity, an Employee of the City.
  501. April 29, 2020, Katie Stevens of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  502. April 29, 2020, Katie Stevens of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, Public Realm Section, an Employee of the City.
  503. March 13, 2019, Thomas Alif of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Jim Karygiannis of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt, a Member of Council.
  504. March 13, 2019, Thomas Alif of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  505. February 06, 2020, Thomas Alif of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Pyne of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  506. March 13, 2019, Thomas Alif of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Stephanie Nakitas of Office of Councillor Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  507. March 13, 2019, Thomas Alif of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Coordinator Bicycle Safety Education of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  508. March 13, 2019, Thomas Alif of Neutron Holdings Inc., met with Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  509. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  510. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  511. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  512. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  513. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  514. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  515. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  516. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  517. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  518. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  519. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  520. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  521. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  522. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  523. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  524. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  525. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  526. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  527. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  528. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  529. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  530. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  531. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  532. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  533. July 23, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  534. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  535. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jim Karygiannis of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt, a Member of Council.
  536. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  537. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  538. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  539. July 09, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  540. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  541. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  542. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  543. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  544. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  545. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  546. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  547. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  548. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  549. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  550. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  551. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  552. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  553. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  554. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  555. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  556. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gord Perks of Ward 4 Parkdale-High Park, a Member of Council.
  557. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Gord Perks of Ward 4 Parkdale-High Park, a Member of Council.
  558. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  559. July 03, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  560. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  561. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  562. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jaye Robinson of Ward 15 Don Valley West, a Member of Council.
  563. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jaye Robinson of Ward 15 Don Valley West, a Member of Council.
  564. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  565. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Tory of Mayor, a Member of Council.
  566. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Tory of Mayor, a Member of Council.
  567. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Tory of Mayor, a Member of Council.
  568. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  569. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  570. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Abdullah Sherif of Councillor Cynthia Lai, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  571. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  572. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Anthony Ferrari of Councillor Frances Nunziata, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  573. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Antonette DiNovo of Councillor Paul Ainslie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  574. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ashley Mcdonald of Councillor Jaye Robinson, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  575. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor James Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  576. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor James Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  577. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Carolina Vecchiarelli of Councillor Josh Matlow, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  578. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Councillor Mike Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  579. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Councillor Mike Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  580. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Councillor Mike Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  581. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  582. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  583. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Edward Birnbaum of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  584. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Hector Alonso of Councillor James Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  585. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jessica Pointon of Councillor Anthony Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  586. July 03, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Jessica Pointon of Councillor Anthony Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  587. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to John Sinclair of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  588. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Karen Duffy of Councillor Gord Perks, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  589. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Kim Edgar of Councillor Mark Grimes, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  590. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lesley Burlie of Councillor Jaye Robinson, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  591. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lia Brewer of Councillor Joe Cressy, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  592. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Lorraine Hewitt of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  593. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Maham Aqil of Councillor Gary Crawford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  594. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Anthony Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  595. July 07, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., had a teleconference with Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Anthony Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  596. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Anthony Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  597. October 07, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to and had a teleconference with Michael Giles of Councillor Ana Bailão, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  598. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Nikolaos Mantas of Ward 22 Scarborough-Agincourt, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  599. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paul Bieksa of Councillor Brad Bradford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  600. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Paula Goncalves of Councillor Cynthia Lai, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  601. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Robyn Bidgood of Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  602. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Ryan Lo of Councillor Shelley Carroll, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  603. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Sarah Barber of Councillor John Filion, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  604. July 08, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., made a telephone call to Scott Morphet of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  605. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Scott Morphet of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  606. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Scott Morphet of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  607. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Sheila Henderson of Councillor Stephen Holyday, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  608. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Slavisa Mijatovic of Councillor Josh Matlow, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  609. July 02, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  610. July 09, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  611. July 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  612. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  613. July 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to Susan Serran of Ouncillor Paula Fletcher’s Office, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  614. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  615. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  616. October 15, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  617. July 30, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., had a teleconference with Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  618. August 21, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  619. September 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  620. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  621. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  622. September 30, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  623. July 30, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., had a teleconference with Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  624. August 21, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  625. September 10, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  626. September 12, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  627. September 14, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  628. September 30, 2020, Jonathan Hopkins of Neutron Holdings Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.


 Roundtrip Systems


  1. March 12, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, met with Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  2. May 20, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to the Project Manager, Strategic Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  3. June 02, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, had a video chat with Project Manager, Strategic Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  4. June 08, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, made a telephone call to the Senior Policy Advisor, Strategic Alliances of Economic Development, an Employee of the City.
  5. January 20, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  6. March 11, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  7. July 22, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  8. May 25, 2020, Boris Chan, Senior Officer of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Support Asst B, Strategic Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  9. March 12, 2020, Sevaan Franks of Roundtrip Systems, met with Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  10. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  11. January 14, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  12. December 05, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  13. January 14, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  14. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  15. January 14, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  16. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  17. January 14, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  18. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  19. January 14, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  20. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  21. January 14, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  22. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  23. January 14, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  24. January 13, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, met with and sent an e-mail to Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  25. February 19, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  26. March 12, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, met with Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  27. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  28. December 09, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  29. January 10, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  30. January 13, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to Executive Director of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  31. December 10, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to the Project Lead of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  32. December 19, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, met with Project Lead of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  33. January 13, 2020, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, met with and sent an e-mail to the Senior Policy & Research Officer of Municipal Licensing & Standards, an Employee of the City.
  34. December 06, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to the Senior Transportation Solutions Integrator of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  35. December 10, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, sent an e-mail to the Senior Transportation Solutions Integrator of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  36. December 19, 2019, Andrew Scherkus of Roundtrip Systems, met with Senior Transportation Solutions Integrator of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.


 Roll Technologies


  1. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  2. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  3. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  4. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  5. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  6. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  7. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Mayor John Tory, a Member of Council.
  8. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Amalia Stefanopoulos of Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  9. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Aytakin Mohammadi of Councillor James Pasternak’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  10. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Caroline Duffy of Councillor Mike Colle’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  11. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Daniela Magisano from the Office of the Mayor John Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  12. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Edward Birnbaum from the Office of the Mayor John Tory, a Staff of Member of Council.
  13. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Anthony Perruzza’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  14. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Scott Morphet of Councillor Jennifer McKelvie’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  15. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to Stephanie Nakitsas of Councillor Mike Layton’s Office, a Staff of Member of Council.
  16. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  17. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to the Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  18. September 14, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  19. September 18, 2020, Arda Erturk, Senior Officer of Roll Technologies, sent an e-mail to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.


 Crestview Strategy


  1. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  2. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  3. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  4. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  5. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  6. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  7. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  8. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  9. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  10. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  11. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  12. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  13. September 29, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, sent an email to John Tory of the Mayor’s Office, a Member of Council.
  14. October 16, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, met with Daryl Finlayson of Ouncillor Paula Fletcher’s Office, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  15. October 16, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, met with Nicolas Valverde of Ouncillor Paula Fletcher’s Office, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  16. October 15, 2020, Jaskaran Sandhu, Senior Consultant of Crestview Strategy, met with General Manager of Economic Development and Culture, an Employee of the City.


 Mobility Consulting


  1. July 06, 2020, David Cooper, Principal of Leading Mobility Consulting, sent an email to Daniela Magisano of The Mayor’s Office, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  2. July 07, 2020, David Cooper, Principal of Leading Mobility Consulting, met with Matias de Dovitiis of Councillor Perruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  3. July 06, 2020, David Cooper, Principal of Leading Mobility Consulting, sent an email to Scott Morphet of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  4. July 08, 2020, David Cooper, Principal of Leading Mobility Consulting, met with Scott Morphet of Councillor McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  5. July 30, 2020, David Cooper, Principal of Leading Mobility Consulting, met with Manager Trans Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  6. July 30, 2020, David Cooper, Principal of Leading Mobility Consulting, met with Senior Project Manager, Strategic Policy&Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.


 Lyft Canada Inc.


  1. September 23, 2020, Hannah Parish of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to Deputy CEO of TTC, an Employee of a Local Board.
  2. September 23, 2020, Hannah Parish of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  3. September 23, 2020, Hannah Parish of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to Director, Project, Design & Management of Transportation, an Employee of the City.
  4. September 23, 2020, Hannah Parish of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  5. September 18, 2020, Hannah Parish of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  6. September 23, 2020,
  7. Tom Divito of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to Deputy CEO of TTC, an Employee of a Local Board.
  8. September 23, 2020,
  9. Tom Divito of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to Director, Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  10. September 23, 2020,
  11. Tom Divito of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to Director, Project Design & Management of Transportation, an Employee of the City.
  12. September 23, 2020,
  13. Tom Divito of Lyft Canada Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.

Populus Technologies, Inc.


  1. October 01, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  2. October 09, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  3. October 18, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  4. March 05, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  5. June 17, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  6. June 22, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  7. June 23, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  8. January 23, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  9. June 01, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  10. June 16, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  11. June 18, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  12. June 23, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  13. July 02, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  14. July 16, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  15. June 05, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  16. June 10, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  17. March 05, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  18. September 27, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  19. October 01, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  20. October 09, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  21. October 18, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  22. January 23, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  23. February 14, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  24. February 28, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  25. March 05, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  26. March 09, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  27. March 24, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  28. April 15, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  29. April 16, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  30. May 08, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  31. May 19, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  32. May 27, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  33. June 10, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  34. June 16, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  35. June 17, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  36. June 22, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  37. October 01, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  38. October 09, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  39. October 18, 2019, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  40. February 14, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  41. February 28, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  42. March 05, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  43. June 17, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  44. June 22, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  45. September 18, 2020, Regina Clewlow, Senior Officer of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  46. September 13, 2019, Malia Schiling of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  47. September 25, 2019, Malia Schiling of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  48. October 01, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  49. October 09, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  50. October 18, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  51. December 09, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  52. January 22, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  53. January 23, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  54. March 05, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  55. June 23, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  56. September 10, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  57. September 15, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  58. September 16, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  59. October 13, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  60. January 23, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  61. June 01, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  62. June 16, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  63. June 18, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  64. June 23, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  65. July 02, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  66. July 16, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  67. September 10, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  68. September 15, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  69. September 16, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  70. October 13, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  71. June 05, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  72. June 10, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  73. September 10, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  74. March 05, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  75. September 27, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  76. October 01, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  77. October 09, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  78. October 18, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  79. December 09, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  80. January 22, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  81. January 23, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  82. February 14, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  83. February 26, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  84. February 28, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  85. March 05, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  86. March 09, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  87. March 24, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  88. April 15, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  89. April 16, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  90. May 08, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  91. May 19, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  92. May 27, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  93. June 10, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  94. June 16, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  95. September 10, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  96. September 15, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  97. September 16, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  98. October 13, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  99. September 05, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  100. September 09, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  101. September 10, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  102. September 13, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  103. September 25, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  104. October 01, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  105. October 18, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  106. December 09, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  107. December 23, 2019, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  108. January 22, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  109. January 23, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  110. February 14, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  111. February 28, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  112. March 05, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  113. July 22, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  114. September 18, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  115. February 05, 2020, Stephanie Seki of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  116. October 09, 2019, Eliot Mueting of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  117. October 09, 2019, Eliot Mueting of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  118. October 09, 2019, Eliot Mueting of Populus Technologies, Inc., made a telephone call and/or had a web-based call with Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  119. March 05, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  120. June 23, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  121. September 10, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  122. September 15, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  123. September 16, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  124. October 13, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Data & Analytics of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  125. January 23, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  126. June 01, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  127. June 16, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  128. June 18, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  129. June 23, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  130. July 02, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  131. July 16, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  132. September 10, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  133. September 15, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  134. September 16, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  135. October 13, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  136. June 05, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  137. June 10, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Operational Policy & Innovation of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  138. March 05, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Street Furniture Management of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  139. January 23, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  140. February 14, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  141. February 26, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  142. February 28, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  143. March 05, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  144. March 09, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  145. March 24, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  146. April 16, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  147. May 08, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  148. May 19, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  149. May 27, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., met and/or had an online meeting with Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  150. June 10, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  151. June 16, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  152. September 10, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  153. September 15, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  154. September 16, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  155. October 13, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Lead, Big Data Innovation Team of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  156. February 14, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  157. February 28, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.
  158. March 05, 2020, Rodney Stiles of Populus Technologies, Inc., sent an email to the Project Officer, Pedestrian Projects of Transportation Services, an Employee of the City.


 Scooty Mobility Inc.


  1. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  2. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  3. March 02, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., met with and sent an email to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  4. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  5. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  6. September 28, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  7. June 02, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  8. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  9. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  10. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  11. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  12. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  13. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  14. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  15. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  16. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to John Tory of Mayor, a Member of Council.
  17. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to John Tory of Mayor, a Member of Council.
  18. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Amelia Stefanopoulos of Denzil Minnan-Wong, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  19. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Aytakin Mohammadi of James Pasternak, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  20. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Caroline Duffy of Mike Colle, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  21. May 26, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  22. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  23. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Daniela Magisano of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  24. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Edward Birnbaum of Mayor Tory, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  25. July 23, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Jonathan Kent of Michael Ford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  26. February 12, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., made a telephone call and sent an email to Luke Robertson of Mayor, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  27. July 07, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Luke Robertson of Mayor, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  28. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mathias de Dovitiis of Anthony Peruzza, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  29. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Scott Morphet of Jennifer McKelvie, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  30. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Stephanie Nakitsas of Mike Layton, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  31. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to General Manager of Transportation, an Employee of the City.
  32. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to the Manager of Transportation, an Employee of the City.
  33. September 14, 2020, Shoaib Ahmed, Senior Officer of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to the Senior Project Manager of Transportation, an Employee of the City.
  34. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Paul Ainslie of Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood, a Member of Council.
  35. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Ana Bailão of Ward 9 Davenport, a Member of Council.
  36. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Brad Bradford of Ward 19 Beaches-East York, a Member of Council.
  37. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Shelley Carroll of Ward 17 Don Valley North, a Member of Council.
  38. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mike Colle of Ward 8 Eglinton-Lawrence, a Member of Council.
  39. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Gary Crawford of Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest, a Member of Council.
  40. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Joe Cressy of Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York, a Member of Council.
  41. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to John Filion of Ward 18 Willowdale, a Member of Council.
  42. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Paula Fletcher of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, a Member of Council.
  43. March 02, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., met with Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  44. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  45. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mark Grimes of Ward 3 Etobicoke-Lakeshore, a Member of Council.
  46. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Stephen Holyday of Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre, a Member of Council.
  47. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Cynthia Lai of Ward 23 Scarborough North, a Member of Council.
  48. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mike Layton of Ward 11 University-Rosedale, a Member of Council.
  49. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  50. July 31, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Josh Matlow of Ward 12 Toronto-St. Paul’s, a Member of Council.
  51. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Jennifer McKelvie of Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park, a Member of Council.
  52. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Denzil Minnan-Wong of Ward 16 Don Valley East, a Member of Council.
  53. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Frances Nunziata of Ward 5 York South-Weston, a Member of Council.
  54. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to James Pasternak of Ward 6 York Centre, a Member of Council.
  55. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Gord Perks of Ward 4 Parkdale-High Park, a Member of Council.
  56. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Anthony Perruzza of Ward 7 Humber River-Black Creek, a Member of Council.
  57. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Jaye Robinson of Ward 15 Don Valley West, a Member of Council.
  58. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Michael Thompson of Ward 21 Scarborough Centre, a Member of Council.
  59. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to John Tory of Mayor, a Member of Council.
  60. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Kristyn Wong-Tam of Ward 13 Toronto Centre, a Member of Council.
  61. July 23, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., made a telephone call to Jonathan Kent of Michael Ford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  62. July 31, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Jonathan Kent of Michael Ford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  63. August 01, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Jonathan Kent of Michael Ford, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  64. February 12, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., made a telephone call to Luke Robertson of Mayor, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  65. July 28, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Meri Newton of Ward 4, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  66. July 28, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Mustapha Khamissa of Ward 17, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  67. July 27, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Nikolaos Mantas of Ward 22, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  68. July 28, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Paula Goncalves of Ward 23, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  69. July 28, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Sheila Henderson of Ward 2, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  70. July 31, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to Slaviša Mijatovic of Ward 12, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  71. December 11, 2019, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Development of CreateTO, an Employee of a Local Board.
  72. July 29, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to the Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation of Transportation, an Employee of the City.
  73. July 29, 2020, Moaz Ahmad Shoaib of Scooty Mobility Inc., sent an email to the Project Manager, Automated Vehicles of Transportation, an Employee of the City.
  74. March 02, 2020, Shahid Pasha of Scooty Mobility Inc., met with Michael Ford of Ward 1 Etobicoke North, a Member of Council.
  75. February 12, 2020, Shahid Pasha of Scooty Mobility Inc., made a telephone call to Luke Robertson of Mayor, a Staff of a Member of Council.
  76. July 23, 2020, Edmund Sofo of Scooty Mobility Inc., made a telephone call to Jonathan Kent of Michael Ford, a Staff of a Member of Council.


Radical Wheelz Inc.


  1. June 07, 2020, Ken Gregory, Senior Officer of Radical Wheelz Inc., sent an email to the Senior public manager public realm of Transportation services, an Employee of the City.