Come to the April 12, 2016 Mississauga Accessibility Public Forum – and – Barrier-Free BC Holds Its Major Kick-Off Event in British Columbia on April 6, 2016

March 30, 2016


1. Come to the April 12, 2016 Mississauga Accessibility Public Forum to Help Our Grassroots Effort to Kick-Start Sluggish Ontario Government Action on Accessibility

On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, from 7 to 9 pm, a public forum on accessibility for people with disabilities will be held in Mississauga at the Mississauga Senior’s Centre at 1389 Cawthra Rd. We will share ideas on how you can make a difference in our campaign for accessibility for people with disabilities in Ontario and across Canada.

Please join us. Encourage friends and family to come. Help spread the word about this important event to anyone you know in the Mississauga area.

You will learn how you can help our non-partisan blitz to get the Ontario Government to ramp up its sluggish implementation and enforcement of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. You can also learn how to take part in the non-partisan campaign for the Canadians with Disabilities Act, which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to enact. Below we set out the full announcement for this event. You can also post a link to the announcement of the April 12, 2016 Mississauga Accessibility Public Forum, on your web page, or on Twitter or Facebook, by publicizing this link:

We very much appreciate the hard work of CNIB, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, March of Dimes Canada, and the Canadian Hearing Society, who are sponsoring and organizing this event.

This is just one more great grassroots accessibility community event so far this year. These events help so much in our effort to get all members of the Ontario Legislature to help us rekindle bold action on accessibility. Successful public accessibility forums have already been held this year in Kingston, Windsor and twice in Toronto.

Why not organize an accessibility public forum in your community? We’d love to help. Just contact us at

Want great tips on how to get your local MPP to support our call for strengthened action on accessibility Ontario? Check out our new “Picture Our Barriers” Action Kit, and all the other supporting materials that are just a click away.

While you are at it, please give Barrier-Free Canada feedback on what you would like the Federal Government to include in the Canadians with Disabilities Act Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to enact. The AODA Alliance is the Ontario affiliate of Barrier-Free Canada.

For some ideas, check out the Discussion Paper on what the promised Canadians with Disabilities Act should include, written by Barrier-Free Canada co-chair, and AODA Alliance chair, David Lepofsky. You can download the new Discussion Paper on What the Canadians with Disabilities Act Should Include, in an accessible MS Word document.

2. Great Grassroots Action on Accessibility Is Catching on in British Columbia

Barrier-Free BC is a wonderful new community coalition that is pressing the B.C. Government to agree to create and pass a strong and effective British Columbians with Disabilities Act. Barrier-Free BC is the B.C. affiliate of Barrier-Free Canada.

We have followed with keen enthusiasm the work of Barrier-Free BC since it was formed last fall. On April 6, 2016, Barrier-Free BC is holding a major media kick-off event at the B.C. Legislature. We wish them the best of luck, and know they are poised to do great things in advancing the cause of strong accessibility legislation. For more on Barrier-Free BC’s activity, you can follow them on Twitter @BarrierFreeBC. Visit the Barrier-Free BC website.

If you have friends, family or co-workers in British Columbia, let them know about the grassroots accessibility campaign there. For more details on the April 6 2016 event in B.C., visit

You can always send your feedback to us on any AODA and accessibility issue at

To sign up for, or unsubscribe from AODA Alliance e-mail updates, write to:

We encourage you to use the Government’s toll-free number for reporting AODA violations. We fought long and hard to get the Government to promise this, and later to deliver on that promise. If you encounter any accessibility problems at any large retail establishments, it will be especially important to report them to the Government via that toll-free number. Call 1-866-515-2025.

Please pass on our email Updates to your family and friends.

Why not subscribe to the AODA Alliance’s YouTube channel, so you can get immediate alerts when we post new videos on our accessibility campaign.

Please “like” our Facebook page and share our updates

Follow us on Twitter. Get others to follow us. And please re-tweet our tweets!! @AODAAlliance

Learn all about our campaign for a fully accessible Ontario by visiting

Please also join the campaign for a strong and effective Canadians with Disabilities Act, spearheaded by Barrier-Free Canada. The AODA Alliance is the Ontario affiliate of Barrier-Free Canada. Sign up for Barrier-Free Canada updates by emailing


Announcement of the April 12, 2016 Mississauga Accessibility Forum

Originally posted at

Join us for the
MISSISSAUGA Accessibility Forum

Guest Speaker: David Lepofsky
Accessibility Advocate and Chair, AODA Alliance

Panel Discussion Including Community Q&A

This interactive event is open to all people with an interest in barrier-free communities for Persons with Disabilities.

Tuesday April 12, 2016
From 7-9pm

Mississauga Senior’s Centre
1389 Cawthra Rd
Lucy Turnbull Room

ASL Interpreters                                 Attendant Services                                  Volunteers on site

RSVP to Julie Hitchcock by April 4, 2016: or 905-459-6965 x2
Free Parking & Public Transit available

Presented by:
CNIB, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, March of Dimes Canada, Canadian Hearing Society.