Watch AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky on TVOntario’s “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” Tonight at 8 or 11 PM or Later on YouTube, Talking about This Ontario Election’s Accessibility Issues – and — New Captioned Online Lecture on Progress from 2014 to 2018 in Ontario on Accessibility for 1.9 Million Ontarians with Disabilities

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance Update

United for a Barrier-Free Ontario for All People with Disabilities Twitter: @aodaalliance


Watch AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky on TVOntario’s “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” Tonight at 8 or 11 PM or Later on YouTube, Talking about This Ontario Election’s Accessibility Issues – and — New Captioned Online Lecture on Progress from 2014 to 2018 in Ontario on Accessibility for 1.9 Million Ontarians with Disabilities

May 21, 2018


1. Thirty-Minute Interview Tonight at 8 or 11 PM on TVO’s “The Agenda With Steve Paikin” Or Later on YouTube

Here’s another way you can quickly and easily help us raise accessibility issues during our non-partisan accessibility campaign in connection with the current Ontario election. Please encourage friends, family and total strangers to watch Ontario’s leading public affairs TV program, “The Agenda with Steve Paikin,” tonight at 8 or 11 pm, or starting within the next few days on YouTube. Steve Paikin invited AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky and Hamilton-based disability advocate Yvonne Felix for a 30-minute interview. It focuses on this election’s disability accessibility issues and on the AODA Alliance’s new captioned video that exposes disability barriers in new and recently-renovated Toronto area public transit stations.


We will publicize the Youtube link to this TVO interview when it becomes available. It should be available by Tuesday May 22, 2018, or a little after that.


Please use this interview to help our cause:


* Contact candidates and their staffs in your riding. Urge them to watch this interview either live or afterwards on Youtube.


* Share this TVO interview with others via email and on social media like Twitter and Facebook.


* Press your local media to report on this election’s disability issues and on the parties’ positions on those issues. See helpful links at the end of this Update.


Check out other great ways you can help raise disability accessibility issues in this election, by reading the AODA Alliance’s brand new 2018 Election Action Kit.


2. Check Out a New Captioned Video of a Lecture by AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky on the Wynne Government’s Record on Accessibility Issues from 2014 to 2018


Want to get an overview of the progress on accessibility in Ontario from 2014 to 2018? A new captioned online video lecture has been added to our comprehensive collection of online resources about the history of our accessibility campaign. It’s a lecture that AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky delivered earlier this year at the Osgoode Hall Law School, where he serves as a part-time visiting professor. You don’t need to be a law student or to have any legal training to benefit from this video lecture. To watch it, visit:


3.  Helpful Background Links


To watch the new AODA Alliance video on serious accessibility problems at new and recently renovated Toronto area public transit stations, visit:

16-minute version:

30-minute version:


To read the AODA Alliance’s May 16, 2018 news release that unveiled the commitments on disability accessibility from the major Ontario parties, visit:


To read the new AODA Alliance 2018 Election Action Kit, to get ideas on how to raise disability accessibility issues in the June 7, 2018 Ontario election campaign, visit:


To read the AODA Alliance’s analysis of each party’s commitments on accessibility, visit


To read the AODA Alliance’s issue-by-issue breakdown of the commitments of each party on accessibility, visit


To read the AODA Alliance’s April 2, 2018 letter to the party leaders, listing the disability accessibility commitments we seek, visit:


To read the Ontario Green Party’s May 4, 2018 letter to the AODA Alliance, setting out its election pledges on accessibility, visit:


To read the Ontario NDP’s May 5, 2018 letter to the AODA Alliance, setting out its election pledges on accessibility, visit:


To read the Ontario Liberal Party’s May 14, 2018 letter to the AODA Alliance, setting out its election pledges on accessibility, visit:


To read the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party’s May 15, 2018 letter to the AODA Alliance, setting out its election pledges on accessibility, visit:

For more background on the AODA Alliance’s non-partisan campaign for accessibility in this election, visit

To learn more about the AODA Alliance’s efforts to ensure that the voting process is fully accessible to voters with disabilities, visit:


To learn more about the AODA Alliance generally, visit

To sign up for or unsubscribe from Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance Updates, send your request to us at In late December 2017, our email list for these Updates unfortunately crashed. We have rebuilt it. In case you fell off the list but want to return, just email to ask us to sign you up. In case you had wanted to be removed from the list, but were accidentally restored to it, just email us to ask to be removed! Sorry for any inconvenience.


You can always send your feedback to us on any AODA and accessibility issue at


Have you taken part in our “Picture Our Barriers” campaign? If not, please join in! You can get all the information you need about our “Picture Our Barriers” campaign by visiting