Sign Up to Attend May 10 2022 Virtual Town Hall on the Dangers Posed by E-Scooters in Mississauga

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United for a Barrier-Free Society for All People with Disabilities




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Sign Up to Attend May 10 2022 Virtual Town Hall on the Dangers Posed by E-Scooters in Mississauga



May 5, 2022



CNIB is hosting a virtual town hall on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 to hear about the dangers to people with disabilities, seniors and others that are threatened if the City of Mississauga allows electric scooters. Yes, Mississauga is the latest Ontario city that the e-scooter corporate lobbyists have been flocking to.


Below we set out the CNIB event’s announcement. Whether you live in Mississauga, or might visit Mississauga, or have experience with e-scooters to share with Mississauga, please sign up for this event. Thanks to CNIB for organizing this event.


For background on the AODA Alliance’s battle over the past two and a half years to protect people with disabilities, seniors and others from the dangers that e-scooters pose, visit the AODA Alliance website’s e-scooter page.




CNIB Announcement of Its May 10, 2022 Virtual Town Hall on the Dangers Caused by Electric Scooters


In the City of Mississauga there is currently growing talks about the legalization of e-scooters, and we want to hear your thoughts.

Have you had encounters, good or bad, with e-scooters in your neighbourhood? Have you run into e-scooters in your travels through Mississauga? Increased talks are happening concerning e-scooters in the city of Mississauga, and we want to hear from the sight-loss community. You are invited to share your e-scooter experiences with us at a virtual Townhall meeting on May 10. We will be inviting City officials from Mississauga to hear your important feedback pertaining to this topic. We request that only citizens from Mississauga attend to provide feedback.

Date: Tuesday, May 10

Time: 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Location: Online or via telephone using Zoom.

Registration is required. To register, contact Ben Akuoko