September 2010
Here you can download the major documents that the McGuinty Government made public in early September, 2010, in connection with the final proposed Built Environment Accessibility Standard that was developed by the Built Environment Standards Development Committee.
To download and read the final proposed Built Environment Accessibility Standard in MS Word format, click here: 1-Final-Proposed-Accessible-Built-Environment-Standard.doc
To download and read the Government’s comparison of the final proposed Built Environment Accessibility Standard and the initial proposed Built Environment Accessibility Standard in txt format, click here: 2-E-CD.txt
To download and read a document in txt format entitled “Guidelines for Understanding, Use and Implementation of Accessible Pedestrian Signals”, click here: 3-E-TAC-EText.txt
To download and read a summary in txt format of the yes and no votes of the Built Environment Standards Development Committee on the various provisions of the final proposed Built Environment Accessibility Standard, and the rationales for these votes, click here: 4-E-NVS.txt
To download and read a summary in txt format of the final proposed Built Environment Accessibility Standard, click here: 5-E-PLS.txt