AODA Alliance Chair’s June 11 2014 Appearance on TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin Now Available to All on YouTube with Captioning — and — Be Sure to Vote!

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United for a Barrier-Free Ontario

June 12, 2014


Here is the link where you can now watch AODA Alliance chair David Lepofsky’s 15 minute interview on TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin program, that aired last night. It focuses on the Ontario election’s disability accessibility issues. To watch David Lepofsky on the Agenda with Steve Paikin on June 11, 2014, click here.

Today is the big day! As a non-partisan community coalition, we encourage one and all to vote, if you did not already vote in advance of voting day! We regret that Elections Ontario’s so-called accessible voting machine is not available to voters with disabilities on voting day itself.

If you encounter any disability barriers when trying to get into a polling station, and/or when trying to mark and cast your ballot, , please email Elections Ontario at and copy us on your email. Email us at

Send your feedback to us at

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Learn all about our campaign for a fully accessible Ontario .

Helpful Links on the 2014 Ontario Election’s Disability Accessibility Issues and How to Help Raise Them during the Campaign

To read the Ontario Liberal Party’s 2014 election commitments to the AODA Alliance on disability accessibility, visit

To read the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party’s 2014 election commitments to the AODA Alliance on disability accessibility.

To read the Ontario New Democratic Party’s 2014 election commitments to the AODA Alliance on disability accessibility.

To read the AODA Alliance’s March 3, 2014 letter to the party leaders, setting out the specific disability accessibility commitments in this election that the AODA Alliance seeks.

To read the AODA Alliance’s summary of the three parties’ 2014 election commitments on disability accessibility.

To read the AODA Alliance’s analysis of the three parties’ 2014 commitments on disability accessibility.

To watch the AODA Alliance’s virtual news conference, unveiling the parties’ 2014 election  disability accessibility pledges, all made in letters to the AODA Alliance.

To see the records of the Liberals, PCs and NDP on disability accessibility from 1990 to the present.

For full background on the ongoing campaign to make Ontario disability-accessible