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September 27, 2011
In the wake of last week’s good media coverage of our election campaign, we’ve launched a Twitter blitz! We are sending tweets to each Progressive Conservative candidate. We are asking each to call PC leader Tim Hudak. We want each of them to ask Mr. Hudak to commit to strengthen implementation of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and to not cut gains we’ve made to date on accessibility.
Last week, Toronto PC candidate Rocco Rossi confirmed on Twitter that he made this commitment. If Mr. Rossi can do it, so can each PC candidate! That is what we are saying in our tweets to each of the PC candidates on Twitter. Our exchange with Mr. Rossi is set out at:
If you or someone you know uses Twitter, retweet these tweets to as many people as possible. Also, send your own tweets to the PC candidates. You can see the ones we’ve sent to each by either
* following us, either @aodaalliance or @davidlepofsky
* just doing a search on Twitter on either @aodaalliance or @davidlepofsky – we are sending out our tweets from both.
If you don’t use Twitter, find other ways to get through to your local PC candidates to present this request.
If you get an answer from any PC candidate, let us know! Write us at
To learn about other ways you can help our campaign for accessibility in this election, visit
The actual wording we are directing in a tweet at each candidate is:
Please make same disability pledge @roccorossiTO made. If he can, you can!
To explain the odd Twitter jargon:
* @roccorossiTO is the Twitter name for PC candidate Rocco Rossi.
* The web link in this tweet is a short form that refers to our website, where we explain what Mr. Rossi pledged.
* The symbol #voteon just brings this message to anyone searching on that term, which is the twitter short form for the Ontario election.
* Each of our tweets begins with the Twitter name of the PC candidate we are addressing.