Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance Update
United for a Barrier-Free Society for All People with Disabilities
Twitter: @aodaalliance
Help Torontonians with Disabilities Press Candidates for Toronto City Council Not to Allow Electric Scooters that Endanger Our Safety and Accessibility – E-scooter Corporate Lobbyists Will Lobby Candidates During this Election Campaign to Overturn Toronto City Council’s Unanimous Vote Last year to Continue to Keep Banning E-Scooters
October 11, 2022
Last year, Toronto City Council wisely voted unanimously not to allow electric scooters in public places. They did so after a major outpouring by Torontonians with disabilities. We don’t want to have to suffer the dangers to our safety and the barriers to our accessibility that e-scooters create.
We must act now to ensure that the new Toronto City Council, to be elected on October 24, 2022, does not re-open this issue and lift the legal ban on e-scooters.
Why must we go through this again? It looks to us like the corporate lobbyists for the e-scooter companies have been back at it, this time trying to convince candidates for Toronto City Council to re-open the e-scooters issue.
A website that could well be created or supported by those corporate lobbyists posted a list of candidates for Toronto City Council that supposedly support e-scooters. None of them reached out to the AODA Alliance to learn of our many concerns about e-scooters, before reportedly taking a position directly in opposition to safety and accessibility for people with disabilities.
We are eager to speak to any candidate who wants to learn about our concerns. We urge every candidate to contact us and learn about our concerns, before taking a position. We especially invite those candidates who might now be on record supporting e-scooters to reconsider their position in light of our concerns. Our objections to e-scooters have been covered by the media and are amply documented on the AODA Alliance website’s e-scooter page.
It sure looks to us like there is money being spent to support their effort. We previously posted a detailed report that showed that those corporate lobbyists have spent two years conducting a feeding frenzy of lobbying for e-scooters at Toronto City Hall.
The media has started to pick up on this issue. The October 6, 2022 5:30 pm report on Global News in Toronto included a report on the fact that some municipal candidates in Toronto want to undo our success last year and lift the ban on e-scooters. ,AODA Alliance Chair David Lepofsky quoted blasting that view. The candidate in the report cheering on e-scooters has never spoken to us about our disability concerns with e-scooters.
The AODA Alliance has written all candidates for Toronto City Council for whom we could find an email address. That includes those who supposedly want to re-open the e-scooter issue and who would thereby endanger safety and accessibility for people with disabilities. We asked all of them to commit not to allow e-scooters in Toronto.
Can you help us? Please email or tweet as many candidates as you can. Ask them to promise to oppose allowing e-scooters to be ridden in public places in Toronto. For tips on how to do this, use our new 2022 Municipal Elections Action Kit. Urge candidates to pledge to support the ban on e-scooters, and to commit to enforce that ban (which the Toronto City Government is not now effectively enforcing).
So far, among the responses we have received are these:
- Robin Buxton Potts, candidate in University Rosedale, Ward 11, committed to oppose e-scooters in Toronto.
- Walter Alvarez committed to oppose e-scooters in Toronto.
- Virginia Jones made no commitment on e-scooters. She objected to our writing her, incorrectly claiming: “All lobbying of candidates is inappropriate and unethical.” We of course are simply asking her to make election commitments, which is central to the democratic process.
- Kyle Enslen said he does not agree with our position. He said he himself rides an e-scooter, and that a ban on riding them on sidewalks should be properly enforced.
- John Genser said he is leaning towards our position in opposition to e-scooters, but he would look at all sides of the issue before taking a final position.
- Steve Yuen said he supports us.
Below is all the information you need to help us, including:
- The October 8, 2022 letter that the AODA Alliance emailed to all candidates. Feel free to copy as much of it as you want into an email you send to candidates,
- The additional paragraph we included in our October 8, 2022 email to those candidates who supposedly support allowing e-scooters that would endanger the safety and accessibility of people with disabilities in Toronto,
- The list of the names of those candidates for Toronto City Council who are reported on an e-scooter advocates’ website as being pro-e-scooter,
- A list of all the candidates for Toronto City Council, divided by ward, including their email addresses and Twitter handles, where we could find these, and
- The text of the emails we received from five candidates so far in response to our blitz.
Let us know how you can help and what responses you get. Write us at
Text of the October 8, 2022 Letter that the AODA Alliance Sent to All Candidates for Toronto City Council
(See below for the added paragraph inserted into the letter to those candidates whom an e-scooter lobbyists’ website lists as pro-e-scooters)
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance
United for a Barrier-Free Society for All People with Disabilities
Web: Email: Twitter: @aodaalliance Facebook:
October 8, 2022
As a candidate in the October 24, 2022 municipal election, we write to ask you to commit that you won’t support any proposals for Toronto to lift the ban on riding an electric scooter (e-scooter) in public places in Toronto. E-scooters in public places endanger the safety of people with disabilities, seniors, children and others. E-scooters create new accessibility barriers for people with disabilities. Toronto already has too many disability accessibility barriers.
I write on behalf of the AODA Alliance. We are a widely-recognized non-partisan volunteer grassroots coalition that advocates for accessibility for people with disabilities. Check out the AODA Alliance’s March 30, 2021 brief to Toronto City Council on e-scooters. All our advocacy efforts in opposition to e-scooters are available at a glance at the AODA Alliance website’s e-scooters page.
It was great that on May 5, 2021, after a major outpouring from people with disabilities, Toronto City Council wisely and unanimously voted not to allow e-scooters on public property. They said no to e-scooters on the strong and well-researched Toronto City staff recommendation that the e-scooter ban not be lifted. They stood up to heavy lobbying by corporate lobbyists for e-scooter companies. Toronto wisely stands with Montreal in saying no to e-scooters.
During this municipal election, the e-scooter corporate lobbyists will be again feverishly trying to market their product. Please stand up to those corporate lobbyists! Stand up for the many people with disabilities, seniors and others who don’t want to be injured by e-scooters. If anyone tries to re-open the e-scooters issue at Toronto City Council, please commit to oppose them. Toronto has many other more important issues to address!
The Issue
An e-scooter is a motor vehicle, . a silent menace. A joy-rider with no license or training can rocket around on an e-scooter at 20 kph or faster. E-scooter riders and innocent pedestrians can be seriously injured or killed. See a CBC report on e-scooter injuries suffered in Calgary and twenty-five news reports on e-scooter injuries in other communities that allow them.
The silent menace of e-scooters especially endangers seniors and people with disabilities, such as people who are blind or who have low vision or balance issues, or whose disability makes them slower to scramble out of the way. A blind pedestrian can’t know when a silent e-scooter races toward them at over 20 kph, driven by a fun-seeking unlicensed, untrained, uninsured, unhelmetted joy-rider.
In cities where e-scooters are allowed, rental e-scooters, left strewn around public places, create new mobility barriers for people using a wheelchair, walker, or other mobility device. For people who are blind, deafblind or have low vision, they are a serious unexpected tripping hazard.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requires Toronto and all Ontario to become accessible to people with disabilities by 2025. We are behind schedule. We cannot afford to create any new barriers against people with disabilities.
Toronto City staff produced two excellent, detailed reports on e-scooters, one in June 2020 and one in April 2021. They showed that to allow e-scooters in Toronto will endanger public safety, send e-scooter riders and innocent pedestrians to hospital emergency rooms, require significant new law enforcement efforts, and impose new financial burdens on the taxpayer to cover added costs that e-scooters trigger. Those Toronto City staff reports also showed that e-scooters do not bring the benefits for reduced car traffic and pollution that corporate lobbyists claim.
It is no solution to just ban e-scooters from sidewalks. Toronto City staff reports show that in cities where e-scooters are only banned on sidewalks, they are regularly ridden on sidewalks. Recent experience in Ottawa again proves this.
`The municipal Accessibility Advisory Committees of Toronto, Hamilton, Mississauga, London, and Ottawa all strongly advised their city councils not to allow e-scooters. An open letter to the Ontario Government and all municipalities from eleven major disability organizations called for e-scooters not to be allowed. Please follow that advice!
Corporate Lobbyists’ Feeding Frenzy at Toronto City Hall
An AODA Alliance report on e-scooter corporate lobbyists documented through a public lobbyists’ registry that Toronto City Hall was inundated by a well-funded feeding frenzy by corporate lobbyists for the e-scooter rental companies. It is a long-standing public safety requirement that motor vehicles are only permitted when the motor vehicle and the driver are licensed, when the driver has undergone mandatory training, where the vehicle is subjected to safety technical standards, and where both the driver and vehicle are insured. The e-scooter corporate lobbyists are trying to duck these safeguards. They want to make money on e-scooter rentals, laughing all the way to the bank as seriously injured pedestrians sob all the way to hospital emergency rooms. They falsely claim that the City can approve e-scooters at no cost to the City or the public.
Toronto must not run a pilot project with allowing e-scooters. It would expose Torontonians to serious injuries if not deaths, all to see whether e-scooters are a good idea. Experimenting on the public, when the risks are so serious, would be demonstrably immoral. The corporate lobbyists seek a “pilot” as a pretext to establish a market for their product, and to get a foot in the door.
What About All Those E-scooters You See on Toronto Sidewalks, Roads and Bike Paths?
Toronto has done far too little to enforce the law, or to let the public know that riding e-scooters in public places is illegal. Toronto has done little or nothing to stop the sale of e-scooters to unsuspecting customers who may not know it’s illegal to ride them in public.
The solution to law-breaking that endangers the public is not to legalize this illegal conduct. The solution is to effectively inform the public that such conduct is illegal and to effectively enforce the law.
People with disabilities, seniors, children and others deserve safe streets and sidewalks! Please commit that you will not support lifting the ban on e-scooters in public places in Toronto. We will make public the commitments we receive. Contact us if you would like a briefing on this issue, or have any questions.
David Lepofsky CM, O. Ont
Chair Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance
Twitter: @davidlepofsky
Additional Paragraph Included in the AODA Alliance’s October 8, 2022 Letter to Those Candidates for Toronto City Council Whom an E-scooter Lobbyists’ Website Lists as Pro-E-scooters
According to one website, you are listed as a candidate who supposedly supports allowing e-scooters in public places in Toronto. We and others from the disability community have been very public and vocal in our opposition to them. We had not previously heard from you. We would welcome an opportunity to speak with you by phone or Zoom. If that website is accurate, we ask you to reconsider your position, and to learn about the dangers that e-scooters create for people with disabilities, seniors, children and others
List of Candidates for Toronto City Council Who are Listed on an E-Scooter Lobbyists Website as Supporting Lifting the Ban on Electric Scooters in Toronto
(Note: We have no independent verification of the claim by the website that these candidates support lifting the ban on riding electric scooters in public places in Toronto. We have written to each of them asking them to reverse that position, if it is their position)
Candidates endorsed by Toronto E-Scooter Network:
- Alejandra Bravo- Ward 9- Davenport
- Daniel Lee- Ward 18- Willowdale
- Shaker Jamal- Ward 9- Davenport
- Laura-Maria Nikolareizl- Ward 10- Spadina-Fort York
- Marco Valle- Ward 3- Etobicoke-Lakeshore
- Sheena Sharp- Ward 15- Don Valley West
- Subhash Chand- Ward 1- Etobicoke North
- Mike Arkin- Ward 6- York Centre
- Jonathan Mousley- Ward 16- Don Valley East
- Basil Canning- Ward 6- York Centre
- John De Marco- Ward 14- Toronto-Danforth
- Philip Davidovits- Ward 8- Eglinton-Lawrence
- Gregory Vaz- Ward 15- Don Valley West
- Hansie Daniel- Ward 21- Scarborough Centre
- Dev Ramsumair- Ward 13- Toronto Centre
- Allie Spencer- Ward 9- Davenport
- April Engelberg- Ward 10- Spadina-Fort York
- Steve Yuen- Ward 4- Parkdale-High Park
- Thomas Yanuziello- Ward 2- Etobicoke Centre
- Bill Wu- Ward 22- Scarborough-Agincourt
- Steve Thompson- Ward 19- Beaches-East York
- Adam Smith- Ward 19- Beaches-East York
- Colin Johnson- Ward 13- Toronto Centre
- Bonnie Hu- Ward 3- Etobicoke-Lakeshore
- Simon Fogel- Ward 9- Davenport
- Miguel Avila- Ward 13- Toronto Centre
- Wali Abro- Ward 14- Toronto-Danforth
- Sébastien Auger- Ward 19- Beaches-East York
- Alistair Courtney- Ward 1- Etobicoke North
- Paul Ainslie- Ward 24- Scarborough-Guildwood
- Axel Arvizu- Ward 11- University-Rosedale
- Daryl Christoff- Ward 17- Don Valley North
- Andrew Layman- Ward 11- University-Rosedale
- Caroline Murphy- Ward 13- Toronto Centre
- Nicki Ward- Ward 13- Toronto Centre
- Gabriel Takang- Ward 5- York South-Weston
- Steven Leca- Ward 9- Davenport
- Arber Puci- Ward 10- Spadina-Fort York
- Kiri Vadivelu- Ward 21- Scarborough Centre
- Anthony Internicola- Ward 22- Scarborough-Agincourt
- Serge Khatchadourian- Ward 22- Scarborough-Agincourt
- Dev Narang- Ward 1- Etobicoke North
- Ashan Fernando- Ward 25- Scarborough-Rouge Park
- Chris Moise- Ward 13-Toronto Centre
- Rocco Achampong- Ward 10- Spadina-Fort York
List of All Candidates for Toronto City Council and Their Email Addresses and Twitter Handles, Where Readily Available
Etobicoke North Ward
Abraham Abbey
[not on]
[not on]
Bill Britton
[not on]
[not on]
Subhash Chand
Alistair Courtney
[not on]
Vincent Crisanti
[website contact form at; Instagram, Facebook]
Michelle Garcia
[not on]
[not on]
John Genser
[website contact form at]
Avtar Minhas
Dev Narang
Christopher Noor
Charles Ozzoude
Donald Pell
[not on; Instagram]
Kristian Santos
[website contact form at]
Ricardo Santos
[not on]
Mohit Sharma
[website contact form at; Instagram]
Keith Stephen
[not on]
[no handle on]
Etobicoke Centre Ward
Catherine Habus
[not on]
[not on]
Maryam Hashimi
[not on]
[not on]
Stephen Holyday
Sam Raufi
[not on]
[not on]
Thomas Yanuziello
Etobicoke-Lakeshore Ward
Zeynel Ari
[not on]
[not on]
Mark Grimes
Bonnie Hu
Mary Marcovic
Amber Morley
Marco Valle
Parkdale-High Park Ward
Siri Agrell
[website contact form at]
Andrew Gorham
[website contact form at]
Christopher Jurik
[website contact form at]
Chemi Lhamo
Gord Perks
Steve Yuen
[has website, but no place to ask questions on it; LinkedIn]
York South-Weston Ward
Frances Nunziata
[not on]
Chiara Padovani
Gabriel Takang
York Centre Ward
Mike Arkin
Basil Canning
James Pasternak
Hope Schrier
Humber River-Black Creek Ward
Amanda Coombs
[not on]
[not on]
Christopher Mammoliti
[not on]
[not on]
Anthony Peruzza
[not on]
[not on]
Eglinton-Lawrence Ward
Mike Colle
Philip Davidovits
[no handle on]
Domenico Maiolo
[not on]
[not on]
Evan Sambasivam
Wendy Weston
[no socials, no website contact form]
Davenport Ward
Alejandra Bravo
Simon Fogel
Grant Gonzales
Mosea Houghron
[not on]
[not on]
Shaker Jamal
Steven Leca
Jacob Maydansky
Lazare Shorter
[not on]
[not on]
Allie Spencer
Spadina-Fort York Ward
Rocco Achampong
Robb Cooke
[not on]
[not on]
April Engelberg]
Kyle Enslen
Peter George
Ausma Malik
Karlene Nation
Laura-Maria Nikolareizi
Arber Puci
Igor Samardzic
Stephanie Soltermann
[website contact form to meet over Zoom at; Instagram, LinkedIn]
Andrei Zodian
University-Rosedale Ward
Axel Arvizu
Michael Borelli
[not on]
[not on]
Robin Buxton Potts
Norm Di Pasquale
David Fielder
[not on]
[not on]
Adam Golding
Andrew Layman
[no Twitter, no website contact form; Instagram, Facebook]
Peter Lovering
Alison Pang
[not on]
[not on]
Dianne Saxe
Heather Shon
[not on]
[not on]
Pierre Therrien
Diana Yoon
Toronto-St. Paul’s Ward
Bryan Ashworth
[no socials, but a website contact form at]
Antonio Corpuz
[not on]
[not on]
Josh Matlow
Bob Murphy
[not on]
[not on]
Toronto Centre Ward
Miguel Avila
Colin Johnson
Ryan Lester
[withdrawn from race]
Dan Cortez Manalo
[not on]
Cleveland Marshall
[no email on]
[no handle on]
Chris Moise
Caroline Murphy
Dev Ramsumair
[no handle on]
Nicki Ward
Toronto-Danforth Ward
Wali Abro
John De Marco
James Dyson
[not on]
Paula Fletcher
Denise Walcott
Don Valley West Ward
David Ricci
Jaye Robinson
Sheena Sharpe
Gregory Vaz
[not on]
Don Valley East Ward
Samina Alim
[not on]
[not on]
Walter Alvarez-Bardales
George Asimakis
[no email on]
[no handle on]
Jon Burnside
[no Twitter, no website contact form; Facebook, Instagram]
Stella Kargiannakis
[not on]
Stephen Ksiazek
[no socials, but website contact form at]
Colin Mahovlich
Jonathan Mousley
[no socials, no website contact form]
Nick Pachis
[not on]
[not on]
Dimitre Popov
[not on]
[not on]
John Simms
[not on]
[not on, but website contact form at]
Don Valley North Ward
Shelley Carroll
Daryl Christoff
Sandiakie Ekanayake
[not on]
[not on]
Justin Knott
[not on]
[not on]
Angela Lindow
[not on]
[not on]
Calvin Xu
[not on]
[not on]
Daniel Lee
[website contact form at]
Don Valley North
Markus O’Brien Fehr
Elham Shahban
[not on]
[not on]
Willowdale Ward
Lily Cheng
Beaches-East York Ward
Sébastien Auger
Brad Bradford
Donna Braniff
[website contact form at; Instagram, Facebook]
Frank Marra
Adam Smith
Steven Thompson
[no Twitter, no website contact form; Instagram]
Jennie Worden
Scarborough Southwest Ward
Malik Ahmad
Sharif Ahmed
[not on]
Lorenzo Berardinetti
Gary Crawford
[website contact form at]
Corey David
Parthi Kandavel
Philip Mills
Kevin Rupasinghe
Scarborough Centre Ward
Muhammad Ayub
[website contact form at]
Paul Beatty
[no email on]
[no handle on]
Hansie Daniel
[website contact form at]
Luigi Lisciandro
[not on]
[not on]
Michael Thompson
Kiri Vadivelu
Anthony Internicola
[no socials, no website contact form]
Scarborough-Agincourt Ward
Serge Khatchadourian
[no website contact form; Instagram, Facebook]
Roland Lin
[not on]
[not on]
Antonios Mantas
Nick Mantas
[not on]
[not on]
Bill Wu
[website contact form at]
Scarborough North Ward
Phillip Francis
[no website contact form; Facebook and Instagram]
Virginia Jones
[buggy website with no apparent contact form at]
Cynthia Lai
Jamaal Myers
Scarborough-Guildwood Ward
Paul Ainslie
Habiba Desai
Vivian Parker
Keiosha Ross
[not on]
Scarborough-Rouge Park Ward
Ashan Fernando
Jacinta Kanakaratnam
Jennifer McKelvie
[no website contact form]
Responses to the AODA Alliance from Candidates for Toronto City Council as of October 11, 2022
October 8, 2022 Email to the AODA Alliance from Robin Buxton Potts
From: Robin Buxton Potts <>
Sent: October 8, 2022 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Please commit not to allow electric scooters in public places in Toronto, which endanger people with disabilities, seniors and others
I commit to uphold the TAAC and City Council decision not to allow electric scooters in public places in Toronto, which endanger people with disabilities, seniors and others.
Stay safe everyone. Be kind to each other, and to yourselves.
In solidarity,
Robin Buxton Potts
City Councillor Candidate
University Rosedale, Ward 11
October 8, 2022 Email to the AODA Alliance from Walter Alvarez
From: Walter Alvarez <>
Sent: October 8, 2022 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: Please commit not to allow electric scooters in public places in Toronto, which endanger people with disabilities, seniors and others
I read the material and your website, you have my support, escooters in public places sound like a danger for vulnerable people,
Walter Alvarez-Bardales
October 8, 2022 Email to the AODA Alliance from Virginia Jones
From: <>
Sent: October 8, 2022 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: Please commit not to allow electric scooters in public places in Toronto, which endanger people with disabilities, seniors and others
Please remove me from your mass email list.
All lobbying of candidates is inappropriate and unethical. If you participate in it, you are part of the problem not the solution.
I receive dozens of these emails every day, wasting my time, clogging my email and mind, preventing purpose of campaign, to get out to each of the residents of the ward to save this city.
Attached is the canvas card of the good candidate for Ward 23 Scarborough.
If you want to be part of positive good, share with voters. If not, then realize why have what we have and deserve what get.
Thank you.
October 8, 2022 Email to the AODA Alliance from Kyle Enslen
From: Kyle Enslen <>
Sent: October 8, 2022 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: Please commit not to allow electric scooters in public places in Toronto, which endanger people with disabilities, seniors and others
Hello David, unfortunately i can not agree with this, as I myself use one currently to get to and from work. I do believe that they should be enforced to drive on the road the same as bikes, as well as walking along when on a sidewalk. At the current time, it is as illegal to drive a scooter on the road as it is on the sidewalk, which leads to incredibly careless behaviour for those who use them. We need to support safer and proper bike lane infrastructure so that those who choose to use transport in this way have the safe means to do so. I do agree that the rental companies should not be supported downtown, our Toronto bike share program should fulfill the need for people to get around, especially as they are expanding the number of electric bikes available next year.
The solution to these issues is more proper bike lane infrastructure so that people can feel safe riding on the street, as well as proper enforcement of those joy riding on sidewalks.
Sorry we disagree on this matter, but I sincerely wish you the best.
October 8, 2022 Email to the AODA Alliance from John Genser
From: <>
Sent: October 8, 2022 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Please commit not to allow electric scooters in public places in Toronto, which endanger people with disabilities, seniors and others
I’m sympatric to and leaning towards supporting your position but I’m not prepared to fully endorse it with a blank cheque.
If the issue comes up I will look at all sides and make a final decision but I will be leaning towards making it in your favour.
Thank you
John Genser Candidate for City of Toronto Council Ward 1 Etobicoke North
October 10, 2022 Email to the AODA Alliance from Steve Yuen
Hi David
This is my second response to your attention…I am a huge advocate of your cause and continue to support you!
cheers and thanks
to follow go to…