Two quick ways you can help our accessibility campaign

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Follow us on Twitter and get others to do so as well!
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March 9, 2012


Please take five minutes to help with our accessibility campaign. Here are two easy-to-use action tips:

1. Email the Andrew Pinto Human Rights Code Review to say if you support the AODA Alliance’s brief on how to fix problems with enforcing human rights in Ontario

We are delighted that a number of individuals and organizations have already told the Pinto Review that they endorse our March 1, 2012 brief. If you don’t have much time, you can simply send the Pinto Review a short email that says in one sentence if you support the AODA Alliance’s March 1, 2012 brief on fixing Ontario’s system for enforcing human rights. If you have more time, you of course can share your thoughts with the Pinto Review in greater detail.

You can email the Pinto Review at:

You can read a

summary of the highlights of our March 1, 2012 brief to the Pinto Human Rights Review at:

You can download our entire March 1, 2012 brief to the Pinto Review in MS Word format by clicking here:

If you are on FaceBook, it would be great if you would post on your wall an encouragement for your friends to also tell the Pinto Review if they support the AODA Alliance’s March 1, 2012 brief. For example, you could cut and paste the following onto your FaceBook wall:

“Please email the Andrew Pinto Ontario Human Rights Code review at
even just a one-line message to say if you
support the AODA Alliance’s March 1, 2012 brief on improving access to
human rights protection in Ontario. Urge others to do so as well. You can
download that brief at

march-1-2012-entire-final-aoda-alliance-brief-to-andrew-pinto-human-rights-code-review.docIf you are on FaceBook, you can also help us by “liking”

the posting on the AODA Alliance’s FaceBook wall that says the same thing. You
can find us on Facebook by searching for “Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance”, or by going to

Find us on Facebook

If you want more background on the Pinto Human Rights Code Review, and about our concerns about the way human rights are enforced in Ontario, this is all explained in our March 1, 2012 brief. Also, you can

learn all about our current and past activities in connection with the enforcement of human rights in Ontario by visiting here:

2. Please Encourage Others to Follow the AODA Alliance on Twitter

We aim to make the AODA Alliance’s Twitter feed a place to go to learn all the latest news and developments on accessibility in Ontario. We are delighted
that a growing number of people on Twitter are already following us, and are
re-tweeting our tweets on accessibility to many others.

Through Twitter we put out many short announcements about new developments on accessibility that we can’t always fit into our email AODA
Alliance Updates. Via Twitter, we also give links to other helpful accessibility
resources on the internet.

Here’s how you can help:

* If you are on Twitter, please “follow” us. We are at @aodaalliance

* Please encourage others to follow us on Twitter

* If you are following us on Twitter, please re-tweet our updates to others, whenever you can. Also encourage others to do the same.

* If you have not yet tried Twitter, we encourage you to give it a try. There’s lots of helpful information on Twitter about accessibility in Ontario, across Canada, and around the world. Tweets are only 140 characters so they are always a quick
read. To sign up for Twitter, you can go to here:

For those using screen-readers, the Twitter website can present accessibility problems. However, there are ways around these. If you use a screen-reader and want tips on accessible ways of using twitter, send us a request for more information on this. You can write us at

Please circulate this update to others.

We always welcome feedback from you. Write us at: